This option opens a file for browsing; the default extent offered will be text. Any number of text file can be open at once, limited only by the amount of free memory. The Tile option, and the Cascade options allow you to sort through the open file windows.
Close Files
( Hot Key: F4 )
The close files option closes the current text browse window.
Change Dir or Drive
( Hot Key: Alt-G )
The Change Directory or Drive options allows you to set the current drive and/or directory. All available drives and directories will be offered in a tree structure; a chose is made either by clicking on the desired drive or directory, or by using the cursor keys to highlight the choice and then pressing Enter.
( Hot Key: F5 )
The Tile option covers the screen with all of the currently open text browse windows. None of the windows overlap so you can easily see what is contained in each.
( Hot Key: F6 )
The Cascade option takes each open text browse window and, in order of creation, lays each file window over the proceeding one, leaving only the upper and left frames exposed. You may click on a frame to activate that window.
( Hot Key: F2 )
This option will switch from the currently active file window to the next available one. This is the opposite action of Prev.
( Hot Key: Alt-F2 )
This option will switch from the currently active file window to the previous window. This is the opposite action of Next.
( Hot Key: F7 )
This option takes the currently active file window and expands it to take up the entire window area. The opposite operation is also performed "Zooming" a window that currently takes up the entire Window area. One can also Zoom the window by a double left mouse click on the upper frame. See ReSize.
( Hot Key: F8 )
This option allows you to change the size of the current window. Simply click the left mouse button on the lower right hand corner of the window, where the frame resembles: <
Continue to hold the left mouse button down and move the corner to the desired relative position vis-a-vis the upper left corner. To Move the window, click and hold the left mouse button down on the top frame and "drag" the window to the desired location. Note, if you wish to "Zoom" the window, double click on the upper frame.
( Hot Key: Alt-S )
This option will take you to DOS, invoking a second copy of COMSPEC (Generally Command.Com, depending upon your system). You can do anything that you would normally do from DOS (run DOS commands such as TYPE, MKDIR, or DIR), subject only to memory requirements. From a full 620K base memory (before invoking Asc2Com), you should normally end up with about 260K or thereabouts. ;
To return to Asc2Com, simply type EXIT at the DOS prompt.
This option will bring up a screen that you can fill out and then either send the resulting information directly to the printer or to file. Please note that Asc2Com is shareware and as such, you are eligible to use the program for a "tryout" period before actually registering. A typical "tryout" period is one month. When you register, you get the following: a registered version copy of Asc2Com, instructions on how to clone and "mark" a copy of Asc2Com as your own personal copy (should you need to), 1 free update of Asc2Com should you wish to update and a newer version of the program exists (50% off on all other versions of Asc2Com), and 25% off on all other MorganSoft shareware products. Telephone support is also provided for registered users.
NOTE: I'll try to provide support to unregistered users but I won't promise to. I like to see the program used, but let's be reasonable about this. I'm in the business to make a profit if I can and if you haven't registered, I'm under no obligation to give you support.
( Hot Key: Alt-X )
This option operates just as you would expect. You exit Asc2Com and return to the previous environment (often either DOS or some file manager program).
Com Lister Types
Asc2Com generates 6 different lister types: the Compressed Full, Page, Lite, Wide, and the Printer. Some options are available only in one or two lister types and not in others.
( Hot Key: Alt-C)
The colors used by the listers are chosen under this option. Not all listers will use all colors (the Printer Lister does not use any). Z
The different color types are Main
Screen, Help
Screen, Accent
2, and Status
( Hot Key: Alt-K )
Hot Keys used by the listers are configured under this option. The Compressed, Full, and Page Listers can all be configured under option (except for the Help Hot Key). $
See Set
Keys for more details.
Version 2.05
Version 2.01 was a quick bug fix that wasn't intended to be a full blown release--the Compressed Lister would lock up if the mouse was clicked on the Line Counter and that was not acceptable. There's a fix-it file out on the boards that contains only the revisisions to the Full, Page and Compressed lister (Called A2C201F.EXE). Thanks go to Phil Kramer for stumbling over it and letting me know.
This version is mostly a reworking of the Turbo Vision interface: most if not all of the Hot Keys for Asc2Com have been changed to be more intuitive--I hope you all approve. Also, the Compressed Lister now accepts one Command Line argument: /l:# where "/l:" MUST be an exact match (case counts) and "#" is the line number the user wishes to have appear at the top of the screen as the lister opens up shop. (Phil Kramer's request.) NOTE: this command line option overrides the automatic resume feature.
Also two new menu options were added (one that I had wanted to do and one that I'd not thought of--Tony Bryer of Survey Design Assocaites deserves credit for the Run Processed option).
Compiler, as usual, was Turbo Pascal V6.0. Assembler TASM V3.0., Turbo Debugger 3.0, Make 3.6 -- all from Borland International. Editing was again using PC-Write from QuickSoft. Tool Kit was from Blaise Computing, Inc (Turbo Development Toolkit). ;
Beta testers were Tony Bryer and Phil Kramer. Thank you.
Help Screen
( Hot Key: Alt-H )
Three of the six listers (Page, Full, and Compressed) have popup help screens. Under this option, you can configure the help screen to what ever you wish. However, please note that the size of the screen is predetermined (39 characters wide by 19 lines) and cannot be changed. Even if you change the size under this option, the same number of characters will be written to the lister screen.
Marking Chars
( Hot Key: Alt-M }
The Full, Page, and Compressed use special characters to mark places for accent colors or for Tag Lines. Under this option you set which characters will be interpreted as special characters and bind them to particular commands.
Set Hot Keys
The Compressed, Full, and Page Lister supports certain "Hot-Keys" to do the following: .
All Three Listers: Compressed Lister Only:
Help Enter Marking Mode
Jump to Tag Line 1 End Mark
Jump to Tag Line 2 Begin Mark
Find Toggle Check Snow
Repeat Fine
Write to File
Print to File
Under this option you can change the current "Hot-Key" that invokes each one.
Lister Color
This is the color that will be used to display normal, unhighlighted text.
Asc2Com Colors are changed under this option, and the new colors will be made permanent by writing them to disk when the program finishes.
( Hot Key: Alt-P )
This option will cause a file name box to popup, allowing you to pick the name of the file to process. When you've chosen the file, click or press the OPEN button to begin to process the file into a Self- Listing Com program, using the existing configuration as a template.
Program Title
This input line is the entry that you will see in the Options List Box. R
Program Path
This input line is where you enter the FULL path name for the program you wish to run as a user option. You must include the drive, the directory, the name, and the extent. See User
Program Cmd Line
This is the Command Line that you wish to provide for the given program you wish to run. For example, if you wish to run one of the listers with snow checking (/c), you'd place it here.
Hot Keys
( Hot Key: Alt-K )
The Hot Keys for the Compressed, Full, and Page listers can be changed or disabled under this option. Not all keys are applicable for all three listers (the Compressed Lister supports all keys listed). To disable a particular option, simply make it the same Hot Key as a previous Hot Key--Help for example.
User Options
( Hot Key: Alt-U )
This option exits the dialog box, leaving the currently highlighted user option the active one. See Cancel.
The button will run the currently highlighted program. Once the program has finished running, you are returned to this same menu. See New, or Delete.
This option allows you to edit the Title, Path, and Command Line for the selected User Option Program. See Run.
This option deletes the currently highlighted User Option entry. THERE IS NO REPRIEVE, EITHER. Once deleted, you'll have to completely reenter the three entries to get it back. See New.
This will add a new option to the list of User
This option exits the dialog box without changing the default entry. The default entry is the entry that will be highlighted the next time the User Options Dialog is opened.
User Option List Box
This list box shows the collection of programs that you have set up for running from within Asc2Com. Any number of programs can be placed here. A
Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow while the box is highlighted and you can select among the various programs. If you have a mouse, a click on the one you wish will also chose it. If the list is too long for the box, you can use either of the arrow keys to scroll through the list further, or click on the Scroll
Run Processed
This option takes the current file name (whatever was last processed or the topmost open lister window) and begins to process it, using the currently active options. See User Options Run, Edit, Delete, Cancel, or Okay.
Edit Source
This menu option will take the currently active window ( see Run
Processed) and invokes whatever editor has been installed under User Options with that file name as part of the command line. User
Scroll Bar
The list box scroller works primarily with the mouse: click the left mouse button anywhere on the scroll bar and it will scroll--up if the thumb tab character is below where you clicked and down if not. You can drag the thumb tab with the mouse by holding the left mouse button key down.
If you hold the left mouse button down on either the up or down arrow characters of the scroll bar, then scrolling will be continuous.
User Options
( Hot Key: Alt-U )
Under this option, a list is maintained of programs that can be invoked from within Asc2Com. From this
Dialog Box, you can maintain the list.
Three input lines are set aside for each Listing. The first is the title of the Listing--how it will appear in the String List. The second is the full path name of the file to invoke. The third is the command line parameters to invoke the program with.
If you have problems with getting a program to run from under User Options do the follow: Shell out to DOS and check that you have entered the full path name correctly. If it is correct, then you may be forced to invoke COMSPEC before running the program in question.
To invoke COMSPEC and then the program, place the following in the input box for Full Path Name: (NOTE: this assumes that COMSPEC = COMMAND.COM and that the Full Path name for it is: "C:\")
In the box marked Parameters, enter the full path name for the file you wish to invoke, PRECEDED BY "/C ". For example, if you wished to run an editor (named PE.EXE), you'd place:
Assuming that your editor in in the "C:\PE" directory. d
To install an editor that will automatically edit whatever the current file is, do the following:
Place whatever title you wish in the Title InputLine.
Place the full path name, with the full file name of
the editor, in the Path InputLine.
Place a "$" in the Command Line Input Box.
You can still use "$" characters in Command Line parameters if you make sure that the first occurrance of a "$" is for your editor. Asc2Com will search for the first occurrance and then quit looking.
See Run, New, Edit, Delete, Cancel, or Okay, Run
The Compressed lister uses LZW
Compression to "pack" more data into the COM file format. COM files are allowed only 64K of code and data by DOS; with this lister option, text files can be anywhere from 0K to approximately 120K, depending upon the success of the compression.
LZW Compression
LZW is short for Lempel, Ziv, and Welch three pioneers in data compression. Lempel and Ziv devised this original method (LZ77) in 1977 and refined it in 1978. Terry Welch later refined the original technique.
Results can be increased by avoiding using characters only one or twice in a file, and by keeping line lengths fairly standard. While commercial products such as SEA's ARC, Yoshi's LHARC, and PKWare's PKZip offer generally better compaction results--code size was a consideration in picking the LZW method; it basically made a smaller expansion unit than the other methods.
NOTE: ARC is copyrighted by System Enhancement Associates, LHARC by Yoshi, and PKZip/PKUnZip by PKWare, with all rights reserved.
Optimizing LZW Compression
Asc2Com stores text lines in Pascal format strings; this means that the length of each string precedes the string--very handy for writing to the screen. However, this also means that when compressed, the compressor sees character code combinations that will not be visible to you.
Further, Asc2Com will replace all substrings consisting of 8 spaces in a row by a tab--so if you need a margin, set it to column 9.
Compressed Lister
The Compressed Lister uses LZW compression to pack more data into the 64K ceiling imposed by DOS on COM format programs. The basic lister has a maximum storage ability of between 80 K and 120 K--depending entirely on how well the source text compresses.
There are several HotKeys available with this lister: Toggle CheckSnow, Print to File, Print to Disk, Help, Mark Text, Jump to Book Marks (1-0), Set Book Marks (1-0), Follow TagLne1, Follow TagLne 2, Search, and Repeat Search.
As with the Full
Lister and Page
Lister, special characters (chosen by the primary user) are used to mark either TagLnes or Accent Colors.
Full Lister
The full lister has a data capacity of about 60K, and supports Accent colors, Searches, TagLnes, Print to File, and Write to File. Scrolling is allowed both by clicking the left mouse button, Up and Down Keys, and the Page Up and Page Down Keys. R
The lister will also jump to a given line number entered by the secondary user.
Page Lister
The Page lister is essentially the same as the Full
Lister but has the Cursor Up and Cursor Down Keys disabled.
Lite Lister
The Lite Lister is much smaller than the other Listers and allows about 63K of data storage. The mouse is supported, as are Page Up and Page Down, Cursor Up and Down Keys. Write to file and Print to file are supported from the command line only.
Wide Lister
The Wide Lister is essentially the same as the Lite
Lister but is slightly larger and therefore can hold less data: about 62K of data can be stored in it. This lister is only lister that will list data lines greater than 80 columns wide (the listers truncate all data past the 80th column).
Printer Lister
The Printer lister is the smallest and can hold up to about 64K of data. It lists only to LPT1 and has no command line options.
Marking Colors
The Compressed, Full
Lister, and the Page
Lister and are used as follows.
The main program lets you choose a character to associate with one of the colors supported by the lister in question. In the text to be processed, wherever that character is encountered, the character is stripped from the line and the color associated replaces the normal screen color. The next time that character is encountered, the colors are again switched, thus restoring the original screen color.
Example: special marking char:
Text (in source) : this is a
Appearance (in Lister): this is a marked
Marking Characters
Marking characters are used by the Compressed, Page, and Full listers to turn accent/highlight colors on or off, or to mark TagLnes. r
In the case of colors, wherever a marking char is encountered, the Lister will change the color used for screen writes to the color "tied" to that particular character. Then next time it is encountered, the color is switched back to the original screen color. Three colors can be placed on the screen this way: The Help Screen colors, the Accent1 and Accent2 Colors.
There are two TagLnes under the Full and Page Lister, which are implemented by hitting the F2 and F3 keys repeatedly. Briefly, they are "links" which the lister will jump to (when invoked) one after the other, and are in actual fact, either a Hex 00, or a Hex FF (both of which are non-displayable codes). Pressing F2 will follow TagLne1 (Jumping to each Hex 00 one after the other. Pressing F3 will follow TagLn2 (Jumping to each Hex FF in turn).
Lister Limitations
Since all of the programs currently produced by Asc2Com are COM files, they are limited to 1 segment--about 65K. (Yes, I know it's generally said to be 64K--but that's not really accurate). The overhead for the different programs frameworks is as follows:
Full Lister: 6.5K 58.5 K left for data
Page Lister: 6.3K 58.7 K left for data
Lite Lister: 1.7K 63.3 K left for data
Wide Lister: 1.9K 63.1 K left for data
Printer Lister: 0.6K 64.4 K left for data
Compressed Lister: 10.0K 55.0 K Left for data
With the Compressed lister, however, that 55+ K translates into anywhere from 80K to 120K.
All programs produced require DOS 2.2 or better to run. There are no restrictions on monitors, keyboards, or mice. All programs will run on generic 80x86 type systems (Including of course, 8088 XT style machines).
EXCEPTION: I do not guarantee that the Lister will work correctly on Tandy systems using the Tandy version of DOS 2.2. Sorry, but I do not have access to one and to be honest, the lower end Tandy products are just plain flakey to start out with.
Help Screen Color
This is the color used for the popup help screen.
Accent 1 Color
This is the color used for the first Accented Char Marker.
Status Bar Color
This is the color used for the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen, for Found Text, and for the last of the Marking Characters.
Filter Options
( Hot Key: Alt-I )
Several options are available to filter the text file as it is processed. The file can be made all Upper Case or all Lower Case, ASCII Values of Less than 32 (a space) can be stripped out (excepting Tabs and CR/LF combinations), and the file can be either padded on the left hand side with spaces, or strip X # of columns from the left. It is under this option that you set the column width increment (this is the amount that the wide lister will tab left or right when a right or left arrow key is pressed).
Cloning Asc2Com
Once you have registered Asc2Com, you will be given a personal ID number with your official disk. This registration number will be a Hex Number (digits 0-9, A-F) that you will type in with your officially registered name, eliminating the opening shareware screen. n
To enter your number and name, get back to the main screen and with no dialogs active, press CNTL-A. A dialog box will appear and you can then enter both the name and the number. Be sure to enter both EXACTLY as shown on the card you receive. Once this is done, all further programs produced will have your name and ID number imprinted inside the program.
Pressing Cntl-A after "cloning" will simply pop a dialog box stating who has registered the current copy. If you bring the "About Asc2Com" dialog up, Asc2Com will identify itself as a registered copy.
Help On Help
Topics that can be accessed for more information will be highlighted such as: first
option. When this screen first appears, "first option" will be highlighted in the active highlight colors. The second option (second
option) is highlighted in a different color, which indicates that it's not the current option. Pressing RETURN will cause the help system to jump to the active highlight option. (NOTE; a third option is available below, the "Index" option that should be available at all times.) Since the two options above point directly back to this help entry, pressing the Return key will not cause a different screen to show up, unless you have the active highlight on Index.
To move between topics under help, simply use the Tab Key to move the highlight color to the topic you wish to follow. Alternatively, click the left mouse button on the desired topic. @
(Special Note to Rosemary, who doesn't like being forced to use the TAB key, nor the default colors (I don't either): Sorry about that. The way the TAB key works was a Borland Intl. choice for Turbo Vision. And the default color for help is something that at this writing, I've not been able to change. Bummer)
Version History
Version 2.05 Oct 1992 Added 2 menu options, ASP member now